Inspired by yoga, by Astrology, by archetypes, this course is an invitation to sync with the natural rhythms, to know yourself better, to transform and to experience your life with a greater consciousness through very simple practices...

Online women circle

A safe place to share, to grow, to evolve

  • Are you curious to explore different faces of yourself?

  • Do you feel sometimes disconnected from the natural rhythms?

  • Do you often feel you could use your energy in a more efficient way?

  • Would you like to cultivate a very simple but transformative daily practice?

  • Do you want to feel part of a community of beings with similar vision?

Every lunar cycle

you will get

  • Available energy

    Take advantage of the New Moon at the beginning of each cycle and the activation of different parts of your being and your life.

  • Sankalpa

    Sankalpa is an intention that reflects a deep heart desire and contributes to its manifestation.

  • A mudra

    A gesture, usually with the hands, to further activate the lunar cycle available energy.

  • Mantra

    Sacred sounds to activate inner energies

  • Essential oils

    The power of plants to support your journey

  • Contemplations

    For your personal growth and transformation. This is both a collective and a personal endeavour.

  • One on-line session

    To activate each moon cycle, with astrological information and to share in community.

  • An online community

    To share experiences with amazing women, to support and feel supported, to live the joy of being a woman.

Let me introduce myself, I am...

PhD. Women Coach. Yoga Teacher. Astrologist.

Susana Garcia Blanco

Yogini, astrologist, eternal student, Tantrika, Goddess worshipper. I have practiced yoga for more than 20 years. Anusara yoga Certified Teacher (2006) and Rasa Yoga Teacher. Teacher trainer. PhD in Environmental Sciences. Astrologist. My mission is guiding students in their personal transformation towards the inner place of love and power (hrdaya), through yoga and other awareness practices. If you want to know more about me you can check my bio and certifications at

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