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Transform MENOPAUSE into the most POWERFUL Time of Your Life

Reclaim your vitality and feminine power through SIMPLE and HOLISTIC practices.

Does this sound like you?

  • You are in your 40s or 50s feeling the effects of perimenopause or menopause and feel terrified of aging.

  • You feel the need to make substantial changes in your life and you do not know where to start

  • You are experiencing the physical effects of menopause (insomnia, vaginal dryness, weight gain, low libido, hot flashes, night sweats…) and you want to find holistic and sustainable ways to be at ease and happy in your body again.

  • You are on an emotional roller-coaster and you do not know how to get off.

  • You feel disconnected from your purpose in life and long for your soul expression and create your legacy

  • You feel exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed for no reason and find it challenging to stick to your mission and life work with energy and enthusiasm.

  • You feel the calling to prepare for menopause to be a sacred transformational time and cultivated a loving relationship with yourself and your body.

Let me introduce myself. I am....

Women coaching, Yoga, Astrology

Susana García Blanco

I get your desire to feel at ease in your body, to keep your vitality as you age, to be able to rest and feel relaxed physically, mentally and emotionally, and to keep the enthusiasm and alignment to your mission and life’s calling. I don’t believe perimenopause and menopause should be a blockage to any of that. All the opposite. It is the magical time to distilled your life’s wisdom. I am 54 years old. I had menopause when I was 47. After years of struggling with body issues, I was finally at ease in my body. Menopause came by surprise during a very challenging time in my life. Among many other things I had to make peace with my body and its changes once again and so, I decided to use all the tools I had to fully honor this sacred transition. Through Coaching, Astrology, Yoga and other transformational techniques, I have helped hundreds of women in over 10 countries to connect with their inner power and wisdom and manifest a more meaningful life.

Mi mission

Serving women in their transformation process specially through perimenopause and menopause.

Social proof: testimonials

" A deep journey into yourself. Totally recommended"

SOFÍA SANTILLÁN. Interior Designer.

As you move through the course, you feel the transformation, the expansion, the paradigm changes that manifest as changes in your life. Susana´s teachings have magic and deep integrated wisdom. Alchemy is designed with everything you need for the journey.

"I now have an eagle view of my life's mission"

LAURA SÁNCHEZ GAONA Lawyer. Life and spirit investigator.

Thanks to Alchemy, and specially to the coaching sessions, I am having an eagle view of my life mission. Everything has more sense now. I am connecting with my highest potential as a woman as I embrace the masculine simultaneously.

"Simple but powerful practices to anchor and support me"

MARIAN JAUREGUI. Retired school teacher & yoga teacher

The simple but powerful practices I got from this course are serving me as anchor and support in a vital moment of many changes and unexpected events. If my depressive tendency shows up, I turn to the practices to reconnect and feel confidence and trust.

"Alchemy has given me tools to understand myself as a woman"

ARIADNA RINCÓN. Yoga teacher.

Alchemy has given me tools to understand myself as a woman. I have learnt that I have the responsibility to focus and move towards mi desires in any area of my life.

"I felt an increase in my confidence and my connection with my inner feminine"

MIREN OLASKOAGA. Yoga Teacher & Mother.

I always felt the need to prepare for the changes that happen as we enter into the 40´s. Alchemy has been a beautiful and powerful journey towards reconnecting with the feminine and with the warrioress in me, supported by Susana´s experience and knowledge.

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